general information
Plasters represent the operation of covering and rough finishing of masonry and concrete elements with special mortars, for straightening and leveling imperfections, for obtaining a smooth support, and for the finishing to be done much more easily and qualitatively.
For efficiency and saving of material, nowadays the mechanized application of the mortar is mainly used, with high-performance machines and equipment.
The mechanized plaster is applied on any support layer, both for the finishing of the facades and the interiors.
Mechanized plasters are recommended for any residential or industrial building, for any home or villa owner who wants a house with luxury finishes in a short time and at affordable prices!
Exterior mechanized plasters
It is used for fences or the exterior of the house to be covered with heat-insulating boards.
Mechanized plaster based on lime-cement
it is suitable for leveling surfaces with differences in size or with vertical or horizontal errors. It is executed quickly, without great loss of material and protects the masonry. Lime-cement plaster usually has the role of load and requires several layers of screed. It can be used both outdoors and indoors.
Mechanized gypsum-based plaster
it is mainly used indoors, it represents a suitable support for painting or applying wallpaper, it requires only one layer of grout to obtain quality finishes, it has the role of regulating the humidity of the room, protection against fire and increases the properties of thermal and acoustic insulation .
The advantages of mechanized plastering:
• the material is homogeneous of a superior quality,
• the material regulates the humidity of the room;
• it is cheaper if we consider material/manufacturing;
• is much more reliable;
• no cracks appear;
• very straight walls are obtained;
• yield from 70m to 120m/day;
• very fast drying time;
• it is easier to finish, the walls will be straight and smooth;
• perfect corners are obtained with the help of special corners;
• material losses are considerably reduced; - low consumption of CO2 in the application process;
The advantages of mechanized plastering:
• It has the role of equalizing and preparing the surface for thermal insulation.
• The plaster is applied with the help of the plastering machine and is not finished in order to obtain a better adhesion when gluing the polystyrene tiles.
• Polystyrene adhesive is very expensive compared to mechanized cement-based plastering and to obtain good thermal insulation it is recommended to plaster the external walls!
• The material can be based on lime-cement under the insulation or on the basis of cement for the surfaces exposed to the weather.